My little friends in my house..
When I moved into my little house in Assalah, I knew I wasn´t gonna live there alone – I had a couple of mice and – of course – Rox my dog. These were and are the only mice I have seen in Dahab so far and I think I know why: there are a million cats around here just roaming around and obviously taking good care of the mice population! So in my house and garden there´s my dog Rox – no cat would even dare to come close. Therefore the mice can live in peace aaaand have a food source: dog food. Rox usually doesn´t eat the food immediately, he lies around and chills. When he´s in the house it´s time for them to get some food 🙂
He is too slow to get them, and they´re safe from the cats her .. ok not quite: the other day I found a dead mouse on Rox´sleeping place.. So he DOES get them from time to time!
Anyways, I have no problems with them and find them quite cute and cool. And always a good motive to shoot 😉

The mice just love to climb around on my wall in the garden in protection of branches and plants. My dog Rox is constantly chasing them ..


incredibly fast moving animals!

That´s what they love! I think that´s actually what they only feed on – hahahah no surprise that Rox doesnt like them 🙂
Tags: Africa, Dahab, Egypt, House, mice, Mouse, Sinai
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