Among threats like pollution & rising acidification, overfishing is surely one of the most serious dangers concering the health of our oceans, the biodiversity and therefore our planet. Since the industrial revolution, everything has changed. Once we lived in accordance with the oceans and used them sustainably, now we are dominating and exploiting them. From small boats to steam boats to the huge swimming fish factories we have today – mankind has managed to build incredibly effective fishing vessels with ever increasing nets and there are no more areas where we cannot fish these days. Billions of dollars are subsidising the fishing industry, ignoring all facts that we are heading towards an ecological desaster. Additionally, there is lots of illegal fishing going on, as most of the times sea laws aren’t properly enforced or do not even exist.
Scientists estimate that in 2048 there will be no more eatable fish left in our oceans! Do we want that? Can we actually let that happen with over 50% of the worlds population relying on fish as a principal protein source? NO, WE CANNOT!
There is way too much fishing going on – the oceans are huge, but the can be emptied. The constantly rising demand for fish has let to an evergrowing industry generating immense money. Why? Because we are eating the fish. That is where YOU come into play!
We have to stop acting as if there was another planet to go to, once we have totally destroyed this one. It’s about us consumers – we determine the market. Let’s not only wait for others to do something – start right where you are with yourself. Then keep on encouraging your friends, your family and your politicians.
The organistaion “Theblackfish” aims on putting an end to the industrial fishing industry by working togteher with ordinary people like you and me! The more eyes this movement has, the better. Checking markets and major ports in Europe on a very constant basis will be crucial in order to improve the problems not only in the Mediterranian Sea. Please take a few minutes and browse their page. I think it is a awesome approach to tackle the problems we have, find a solution and work towards a future where coming egnerations will still be able to use the oceans!
Please help!
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Tom Vierus is an award-winning photographer, filmmaker, and marine biologist based in Suva, Fiji Islands. This blog is dedicated to his assignments and to sharing some behind-the-scenes footage.
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