Each one of us can help our planet: plant a new tree, dispose trash properly, stop eating meat and fish if you do not rely on it to survive, collect rubbish if you see it, don’t torture animals, don’t buy products from destructive companies and and and. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about starting somewhere.
If we boycott products harvested, fished or farmed unsustainably, the industry will be urged to change. We should support products, that are produced locally and in accordance with nature. It seems as if there are no more boundaries to possible exploitation – be it fracking, deep-see fishing or oil drilling in the arctic. We will lose precious ecosystems and they might be lost forever and severely affect life on our planet on the long-term. It may seem like an impossible effort to stop this, but the more we are the bigger our impact! Let’s work together on a sustainable future where rhinos, sharks, rainforests, glaciers, polarbears, condors, orang utans and whales will still be existing – we owe it to the next generations!
Change starts with us! So, let’s not wonder, why nobody is making a difference – let’s be that somebody and make it! Let us live a conservation life – for our planet.
Tom Vierus is an award-winning photographer, filmmaker, and marine biologist based in Suva, Fiji Islands. This blog is dedicated to his assignments and to sharing some behind-the-scenes footage.